You can visit IvanWeather at ivanweather.com at any moment
Hi, I am Ivan Beltrame and I live in Italy.
I created IvanWeather, a service that returns the local weather of a given city.
Weather services are commonly used every day by everyone to check the weather in their city.
The site will prompt you to access your location on the homepage
It will display your weather in a nice card created with bootstrap
You can search for a city in the search bar at the top right of the screen
If you are using a mobile you have to open the hamburger menu in order to access the search bar
This project uses an API offered by OpenWeather
The main files of the project are app.py and functions.py:
In app.py there is the application's core where the web server is being executed.
In functions.py are included the functions required to run app.py
There are some additional files that are needed to run the site:
The template folder contains all the HTML files of the site:
This file only contains the head tag and the top bar HTML code and includes two javascript files.
fallback.html This file is loaded by the service worker when there is no connection.
404 error code
Are available:
The static folder contains nondynamic files such as images and more:
the main.js file
the image folder
and the media folder
It contains the files that need to be in the root directory.
There is also:
Is a file used by Heroku (the hosting service I decided to use for this app)
This file is the service worker used to cache files so they can be accessed offline.
TODO file
In it I wrote all the ideas to develop for this project.